Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday of the Resurrection - Easter Day

Alleluia! Christ is Risen.
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Reading a piece this Easter Morning in the Wall Street Journal, James Marten, a Jesuit priest, posits that the reason Easter has resisted the commercialism of Christmas is because "whether you're a believer or not, there is no way to ignore the radical claim of the Resurrection".

He goes on to say that "if you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, what he says demands a response. If you are a Christian, then what Jesus says has a claim on you.  What Jesus says are radical commands: Love your neighbors. Forgive, Care for the poor and the marginalized".

I began reading the piece because I wanted to know what the explanation might be with respect to the non-commercialization of Easter. I ended my read feeling an enormous tug, a tug that says Listen. Do.

Last night, Easter Eve, a dear friend sent me this:

The Terminus
Is not where we stay;
It is the beginning of a new journey,
It is where we reach out beyond,
Where we experience new adventures.
It is where we get off
To enter new territory,
To explore new horizons,
To extend our whole being.
It is a place touching the future.
It opens up new vistas.
It is the gateway to eternity.
                                                              David Adam in “Celtic Prayers”
                                                                      Former Vicar of Holy Island ( Lindisfarne),

40ACTS of Stewardship ended Lent with the challenge of going beyond whatever sacrifice you made for Lent. To commit to a life of sacrifice, to offer up one's very best to God.

It feels like I've entered new territory in my faith life. Many years ago my to-become best friend said to me, "let's see what God has in store for you". And so in this season of Easter I look anew to what is being both asked and commanded of me.  Let's just see what God has in store for me.

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