Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday of the Resurrection - Easter Day

Alleluia! Christ is Risen.
The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Reading a piece this Easter Morning in the Wall Street Journal, James Marten, a Jesuit priest, posits that the reason Easter has resisted the commercialism of Christmas is because "whether you're a believer or not, there is no way to ignore the radical claim of the Resurrection".

He goes on to say that "if you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, what he says demands a response. If you are a Christian, then what Jesus says has a claim on you.  What Jesus says are radical commands: Love your neighbors. Forgive, Care for the poor and the marginalized".

I began reading the piece because I wanted to know what the explanation might be with respect to the non-commercialization of Easter. I ended my read feeling an enormous tug, a tug that says Listen. Do.

Last night, Easter Eve, a dear friend sent me this:

The Terminus
Is not where we stay;
It is the beginning of a new journey,
It is where we reach out beyond,
Where we experience new adventures.
It is where we get off
To enter new territory,
To explore new horizons,
To extend our whole being.
It is a place touching the future.
It opens up new vistas.
It is the gateway to eternity.
                                                              David Adam in “Celtic Prayers”
                                                                      Former Vicar of Holy Island ( Lindisfarne),

40ACTS of Stewardship ended Lent with the challenge of going beyond whatever sacrifice you made for Lent. To commit to a life of sacrifice, to offer up one's very best to God.

It feels like I've entered new territory in my faith life. Many years ago my to-become best friend said to me, "let's see what God has in store for you". And so in this season of Easter I look anew to what is being both asked and commanded of me.  Let's just see what God has in store for me.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

For the past 58 years I have had a special conversation with a very special person on Good Friday.  When I was a teenager with "growing pains" I reached out to my cousin for conversation and care.  She responded with her heart, with her wisdom.  And we ended that day in church- it was Good Friday.

She saved my life.  Every Good Friday after that I called her to talk, and to thank her for saving my life. We filled the conversation with how our lives had been filled since we last spoke on the previous Good Friday.

Things are different this year.  She died a few days before Good Friday.  But she left me the gift of her voice on a voice text that her daughter made.  It was the Friday before Good Friday.  So I had my conversation a tad early, and in a unique format.  That voice text will stay with me, and I'll listen to it for all the Good Friday's ahead of me.

I walked the labyrinth at my church today.  I prayed and I spoke.  I believe she listened.

Lenten Roses are planted near the entrance to the labyrinth.  Like clockwork they bloom at the beginning of Lent, and then fade as Lent ends and we have the joy of the Sunday of the Resurrection.  Promises made and promises kept.

Earlier today I walked along the river.  And adjacent to the path was this sight.

I feel her beside me on this Good Friday and I know she hears me say, "Thank you for saving my life".

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Resurrection - Rebirth

This being Holy Week, I've been barraged with the life and death of Jesus.  And of the promise of the resurrection and of life eternal.

I'm in a state of heightened awareness this week.  

Just this day, these sights:

In a Home Depot parking lot...

in my driveway...

in the woods out back.

"Hard to imagine daffodils
Where I see nothing but white veils
Incessant falling of thick snow
In this nowhere, non-landscape
Which has no shadow and no shape,
And holds me fast and holds me deep
And will not cease before I sleep.
Hard to imagine somewhere else
Where life could stir and has a pulse
And know that somewhere else will be
This very field changed utterly.
With host of daffodils to show
that spring was there under the snow."
                      Blizzard by May Sarton

I stopped my car this afternoon to take a phone call.  The sight in front of me was this stone, these daffodils just recently risen, and a gurgling creek. The caller told me of the death of my dear cousin just hours earlier.  She said "my mom entered into the presence of our Lord and Savior while sleeping peacefully".

Through the death and resurrection we are promised life eternal.  I see the signs.  I hear the words.  And my faith tells me this is the truth. 

May light perpetual shine upon Diane.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hunger Walk/Run - Atlanta

This year marks the Atlanta Community Food Bank's 32nd annual Hunger Walk and Run. 

The event brings attention to hunger in Middle and North Georgia, and raises funds to combat that hunger.  It's ecumenical in the sense that the five partner agencies represent faith communities: Episcopal, Jewish, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic.  In an even greater interfaith sense, anyone can participate as a runner, a walker, a volunteer, a financial supporter.


          18.7 percent of the people living in Georgia are food insecure, meaning that they             don't always know where they will find their next meal.

          28.2 percent of Georgia children live in food insecure households.  This is well over           one in every four Georgia children.

          In the Atlanta Community Food Bank's 29-county service area, 24.5 percent of
          children are food insecure.

I'm blessed to always know from where my next meal will come. My friends and family know also.

So how can I help?

For me it starts with the work of the Episcopal Charities Foundation.  And this partnership with ACFB to raise money to provide funding to ministries and organizations across the Diocese of Atlanta (Middle and Upper Georgia) who feed people.

"When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink..."          Matthew 25:35

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Tybee Time Reflection

Tybee Time began twelve years ago as my friend and I sought a beach locale for Lenten retreat travel. Now thirteen Lents later, it's a fixture in our seasons of Lent. A shared place to reflect, ponder, and slow down. 

The sense of traveling small this year colored the days on Tybee Time. 

          Buying a few items at a small grocery and having them be enough. 

          Eating the food purchased rather than eating out. 

          Staying on Tybee Island with the exception of the hours of one day. 

          Walking to church. Walking to one beach.

          No shopping. 

          Making do with the lodging amenities provided. 

          Succinct and beautiful liturgies. 

Now returned home, it's another year until Tybee Time. In the meantime, I am rested and filled up with small travel.  

Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 4 on Tybee Time

Only a few hours on Tybee Time this day.

Enough, though, to walk to the beach to welcome the arrival of the sun. 

Time for a quick breakfast of our remaining provisions and then to pack up. 

Starbucks in Savannah for the road, then off to Atlanta. 

Stopping in Macon to walk the labyrinth at Mulberry Methodist Church. Pattern and rhythm. 

Then to Superica in Atlanta to feast on small bites. 

Following #40 Acts of Stewardship this Lent, today's act was to "serve the server". My friend and I chose to serve our server with a $100 tip. The look on his face...and the leap in my heart...

Ending this day with frozen custard and the exquisite movie "Brooklyn", we fell into bed. We were now on Atlanta time, and believe me, it's nothing like Tybee Time. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 3 on Tybee Time

Patterns seen this morning. 

“Pay attention to the intricate patterns of your existence that you take for granted.” 
Doug Dillon, author. 

I appreciate order. Predictability. I seek a rhythm in life and often fail to find it. Yet, I continue to seek. 

Maybe that is why I'm so drawn to patterns that are seen around me. Walking the shoreline this morning, I slowed down as each new pattern presented itself. A visible sign of order.

Seeking and recognizing patterns in life, and then building upon that structure, can buffer the unexpected and the uncertain. 

In the bible, three references to pattern are found: First, when God instructed Moses how to build the tabernacle in the Old Testament, He told Moses to "make all things according to the pattern". Exodus 25:40. Again in the book of Hebrews as a reminder of doing all things today "according to the pattern."  And Hebrews 8:5. And in Ezekiel 43:7-12, "let them measure the pattern." 

As a disciple I seek God's pattern for my life.