Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shrove Tuesday

Tonight was the annual St. James Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, the idea being that one has a "last" meal of plenty before the 40 days of fasting to come.

I don't actually eat at the supper, rather I take photographs of the meal preparations and the meal- these for the parish newsletter and website.

This year the dinner was moved from the parish hall to a local restaurant as St. James is undergoing expansion.  The place was packed. The restaurant and the people were decorated in traditional Mardis Gras masks and beads.  Very festive. 

I'm thinking just now about this abundance.  And the fasting time to come.  There's always enough to eat in this parish, and I suspect any fasting ahead may be more in spirit than in reality. This is not to say there's not generosity in these people.  When they know of any in our community who are hungry, the food is gathered and the checkbooks opened.

God's Abundance Cafe, a local organization formed by local churches and other faith-based groups, serves up soup, sandwiches, and desert each week in town.  I've been once to these meals, representing a funding organization.  I think I'll go this week to see how I might serve.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others..."
                                                                                         1 Peter 4:10

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