Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday

To quote from the message sent today from Bishop Rob Wright:

"Today marks the beginning of "self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy word."  Today we pledge ourselves to a six-week journey that can change our lives and leave us looking more like Jesus at its end."

I'm especially thoughtful about his next words: "The ashes we allow to be placed on our forehead mean that we are mortal and that we are under construction! My prayer for each of us is that we would truly give ourselves to this holy time by doing new things -- or by prioritizing old, meaningful spiritual practices."

Under Construction!

Well, certainly, we are all works-in-progress.  Under construction.  

My church is under construction.  An expansion of the existing space.  I'm following the project in photographs so the parish can see the progress.

Progress is slow.  It seemed to take a long time just to pour the foundation and the new walls.  Preparation for the pouring, influenced by the weather.  Nothing can be hurried, but everything can be slowed down.

Perhaps this is not a bad thing.  Rather, the slow-down time lets one contemplate, decide, build slowly.  Or re-build, as the case may be.

I'm not hurried this first day of Lent.  I am making my way through tasks - tasks that serve my parish and my diocese.  Tasks that will lead to the least among being served.  In this case, the hungry.  As I follow-through on my tasks that surround the annual Hunger Walk/Run in Atlanta this coming Sunday.

I'm not hurried as I prepare for my service as a Lay Eucharistic Leader as this evening's Ash Wednesday service.  It's my intention to be well prepared for this time of worship.

I AM under construction!

Our priest guided us in quiet and meaningful worship, and left us with these words:
"But the fruit of the Spirit, is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness."
Galations 5:22

The word that stands out the most to me in this list is KINDNESS.  Be Kind.

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