Friday, March 14, 2014

First Week in Lent

St. Bernard wrote that one will find something more in woods than in books; trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters.

This afternoon I checked on the lilac blooming progress.  The last two nights have had mild freezing temperatures.  Two nights ago the wind raged for 8 hours.

Yet, here is the promise.

I have found when I am in my woods, if I stop to listen and see, I'm gifted with treasures I would have missed.  A song from a bird I have not heard for months.  The warmth of the sun if I stand quite still.  The woods are awakening.

As are some of God's creatures I'd just as soon stay asleep.

The crows have returned.  Big and noisy. I'm not a fan.  Reading The Reverend Becca Stevens yesterday, she says the loud noise in the woods made by the crows remind her to be watchful and to celebrate the day- "to be awake and watch, to be present in the day, to be aware that his is truly the day the Lord has made".  I'll not listen to the caw-caws again in the same way.  Having only heard the negative noise, I'll now hear the call to awake.

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