Monday, March 2, 2015

Lenten Imperative to Examine

Called to examine oneself, and to then do something about what one finds, is a focus of Lent. It's a time to reflect and in that reflection see where one must make amends, one must reconcile, one must turn away from ways of falling short and turn towards a new relationship with God.

No small endeavor.Being honest with oneself is hard, but a great reward awaits.

Generally I don't delve too deeply, but this Lent I'm feeling a tug-- I'm hearing and reading words that are getting my attention to be intentional.  A sermon by the new rector at St. Martin in the Fields, Keller, got my attention.  A daily message from Iona Community got my attention.  Hymns heard on the Sunday broadcast of "With Heart and Voice" got my attention.

"Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

"Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy."

"We ask You to make us expectant, instead of planners:
We ask You to make us seekers, rather than know-alls.
We ask You for grace so that we are ready to receive."  George MacLeod

Drive time to Tybee Time - 5 1/2 hours.  Plenty of time to ponder, to reflect, to set a path.

Traveling Mercies.

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