Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tybee Time Once Again

It's Lent and I know what that means.

Beyond this time of reflection and examination of one's self, with a promise to make amends and to be more attentive in faith and in the action of that faith---it's Tybee Time. 

This is the 12th annual Lenten trek to Tybee Island, Georgia. I can't imagine a Lent without time on the beach and the marsh on this island.

A recent significant snowfall-- significant for the northeast Georgia mountains as compared to the Northeast- gave me pause as I wondered if I the snow in my driveway would melt enough for me to get out and on my way south.  It appears the worry that accompanied the wonder was unnecessary. That seems to be the case with much of my worrying. Is there a lesson there for me?

One of my intentions this Lent is to hush-- shhhhh-- listen--- hear, or try to hear--- and trust.  It's harder to do than I thought it would be.  But the snow has brought its own kind of hush.  How is it that snow makes everything so much quieter?

And so I listen. Shhhh.  Hear.

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