Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tybee Time Comes to an End

As with "all good things", my time on Tybee is complete. Well, not quite. Tybee Time stays with one for a good while, and then in a year or so, returns. 

This morning, after a brisk walk on the beach, we did morning prayer while seated on a beach swing. 

"O God of love, you are the true Sun of the world, evermore rising and never going Down. We pray you to shine in our hearts and drive away the darkness of sin and the mist of error. "

"...Is it not to share your bread with the hungry..."

Seeing a sign on the island that asked for provisions for the Tybee food pantry, we shopped the aisles of IGA. 

Travel home for each of us was without the twists and turns of travel to Tybee. So grateful. 

For me, Tybee Time offered time and place to be intentional about the Lenten call of slowing down and listening. Something I should learn to do more often. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Lent Lolling II

After an all-day day in Savannah with good food and play adventures - along with too much traffic and too many red lights, it was an easy decision to remain on the island today. 

Blustery day with cooler temps, at least the rain moved on. 

Morning readings seem to go together. Ghandi says "We become what we yearn after, hence the need for prayer."  Bishop Wright posits that "self examination is noticing the gap between our lives and the words we pray".  

Praying shapes  who we are. If we don't pray can we really change?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Big City Day

Unlike yesterday, when we stayed on the island and lolled, today was Savannah play. 

Up in time for the short walk to the beach to watch the sun rise. 

Reading Forward Day by Day's meditation for today, "Faith is caught, not taught.  Our entire faith experience is based on imitation. We are called to be imitators of God."

This feels like a monumental task, to be an imitator of the God of love, compassion, forgiveness. Who do I need to love right now and who am I called to forgive?

After beach walking and pondering, it was a day of off-island adventure. 

Cuppas, and pedicures. 
Then, local BBQ and art exhibit. 

Then to see Still Alice, sobbing in our seats, and as we walked outside finding more "tears" as rain was falling. 

Now safely back in the island, lolling once again. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lent Lolling

This day was dedicated to lolling. Retreating in the slowing down sense. Being intentional about going slow, so as to not miss any opportunities to hear. Shhhh. 

Yet not shutting out conversation. Birds chattering and singing early this morning.

Conversation with local women who run TyBean, the local espresso shop. 

The rhythmic sounds of waves rolling to shore. 

Conversation through shared prayers on the beach. 

We cannot know whether we love Gof although there may be strong reason for thinking so, but there can be no doubt about whether we love our neighbor or not.  Be sure that, in proportion that you advance in affection for sisters and brothers, you are increasing your love of God.  Teresa of Avila. 

Who is hard to love right now. What would it cost us to love that one?

All contributing to the hush of hearing. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Detours and U-turns

The best laid plans....
5 1/2 hours to drive and ponder was the plan. And for almost four hours that was the case. 

Then I came to a stop in Metter, GA. I'm not even sure where Metter is. The flight bringing my traveling friend to Savannah was delayed and likely to be cancelled. So I stopped in Metter to await any change in plans. Like needing to drive to Atlanta if she was re-routed there. 

I got out of my car and walked around town. Praying. Wondering. Worrying. Receiving updates that continued to disappoint. It felt like Tybee Time might be cancelled this year. I pondered how that was going to feel. 

Then...she was Columbia, South Carolina.  Yikes!  I revised my GPS's destination and took off, retracing some miles, and detouring to a new route. 

45 minutes later the flight plans changed and the destination was once again Savannah. Yea!!!

With a u-turn, I was on my way to Savannah. Tybee Time was going to happen. 

8 hours instead of 5 1/2 hours to ponder. It was definitely a different model of pondering than was my plan. MY plan. 

And isn't that how it is with God in our lives?  We think we know the plan for our lives. And for sure we have some important role in the  plan. But are we prepared for life's detours and u-turns?

Do we turn to God for showing us the path, or to at least accompanying us on that detoured and u-turn filled route?

For now I know one thing for certain, I am on Tybee Time. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lenten Imperative to Examine

Called to examine oneself, and to then do something about what one finds, is a focus of Lent. It's a time to reflect and in that reflection see where one must make amends, one must reconcile, one must turn away from ways of falling short and turn towards a new relationship with God.

No small endeavor.Being honest with oneself is hard, but a great reward awaits.

Generally I don't delve too deeply, but this Lent I'm feeling a tug-- I'm hearing and reading words that are getting my attention to be intentional.  A sermon by the new rector at St. Martin in the Fields, Keller, got my attention.  A daily message from Iona Community got my attention.  Hymns heard on the Sunday broadcast of "With Heart and Voice" got my attention.

"Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

"Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy."

"We ask You to make us expectant, instead of planners:
We ask You to make us seekers, rather than know-alls.
We ask You for grace so that we are ready to receive."  George MacLeod

Drive time to Tybee Time - 5 1/2 hours.  Plenty of time to ponder, to reflect, to set a path.

Traveling Mercies.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tybee Time Once Again

It's Lent and I know what that means.

Beyond this time of reflection and examination of one's self, with a promise to make amends and to be more attentive in faith and in the action of that faith---it's Tybee Time. 

This is the 12th annual Lenten trek to Tybee Island, Georgia. I can't imagine a Lent without time on the beach and the marsh on this island.

A recent significant snowfall-- significant for the northeast Georgia mountains as compared to the Northeast- gave me pause as I wondered if I the snow in my driveway would melt enough for me to get out and on my way south.  It appears the worry that accompanied the wonder was unnecessary. That seems to be the case with much of my worrying. Is there a lesson there for me?

One of my intentions this Lent is to hush-- shhhhh-- listen--- hear, or try to hear--- and trust.  It's harder to do than I thought it would be.  But the snow has brought its own kind of hush.  How is it that snow makes everything so much quieter?

And so I listen. Shhhh.  Hear.