Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tybee Day 3

A real find on Tybee--Jitterbug -- cappuccinos and espresso!!

Another find on Tybee-- a labyrinth. Constructed using nautical rope and shells. Laid out under pine trees, the path was covered in pine needles making it a cushioned walk.

The thought for the day from the Iona Community:
"May prayer feed your actions
and may your actions feed the world.

I'm thoughtful about how actions can be both words and behavior. Take action and tend to those without. AND, speak words that also tend to others. Actions can also be prayer. Tend to others through prayer.

I'm learning to be mindful. Tybee Time puts one in a mindful way.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful labyrinth. I'll bet you loved the soft walk through the pine needles. Pretty place and a great "time" to be there.
